To Stroke A Dragon

The Dreaming Rabbit

Once upon a time there was a rabbit who had amazing dreams down in her burrow under the earth. But when she tried to share her dreams with her friends, none of them even knew what a dream was! Only the little girl who lived in the farmhouse understood…
Length: 14:19
For ages: 3+

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To Stroke A Dragon

Old Man’s Legs

An old man goes to a wizard begging to have his old man’s legs changed into young man’s legs. And although the wizard warns him that he won’t like the results, he pesters him until he relents. But before long, the old man is back, complaining of all the trouble his young man’s legs are causing him…
Length: 05:25
For ages: 3+

[wcm_restrict plans=”rent-the-palace”][/wcm_restrict]

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Good of Heart

Good of Heart

Every day the Queen would slip away from her official duties to attend to a secret labour: making notes in a little book of who amongst her subjects is “good of heart”. One day, when the Queen is expelled from her palace and must wander her former realm as a vagabond, this notebook comes in very useful…
Length: 41:15
For ages 7+

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The Girl Made of Wood

The Blessings of the Earth

The delivery man had thought that he had finished for the day. But just as he was clearing out his van, he found a tiny little parcel that needing delivering. He was so tired, however, that he just couldn’t face another journey across town. Hoping no-one would see him, he tossed the little parcel into a garden and hoped to forget about it…
Length: 13:48
For ages 5+

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