The Adopted Daughter of the Sea

To Command The Clouds

A King was used to getting his own way in just about everything. So when one day a cloud has the temerity to rain on him when not commanded to, the King becomes incensed and sends out the word that anyone who can enable him to bend the clouds to his will shall win half the Kingdom as their reward. Soon all the scientists, inventors, crackpots and nutcases are hatching crazy plans for the King’s pleasure, but none of them are the slightest bit successful. And it is then that a young woman suggests to the King an altogether different, and far more successful approach.
Length: 16:06
For ages: 5+

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The Adopted Daughter of the Sea

The Perfect Princess

Once upon a time there was a princess whom everyone said was “perfect” in every way. So much so that as she grew older she became more and more anxious about doing anything less than perfectly. As she reached womanhood, things only got worse: so many princes wanted her hand, but which one to choose?
Length: 23:53
For ages: 5+

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The Postman and the Piece of Gold

The Blessing Witch

Once there was a witch who lived in the forest. Every morning she would wake up and try to find someone or something to bless. In order to find new people and ways to bless, one day she transforms herself into a mushroom growing alongside the forest path. But it’s actually her idea of how to bless that gets transformed by the person who comes along the path…
Length: 25:58
For ages 5+

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The Postman and the Piece of Gold

Jim and the Colourful Coat

Jim was a very sensible man, the sort of man who didn’t take many risks. But one day he spots an outrageously colourful coat in a shop and cannot help but buy it and put it on. Unfortunately, that’s the day that the King is out looking to find a new Jester…
Length: 29:18
For ages 5+

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How The Old Lady Changed Everything

How The Old Lady Changed Everything

An old lady was so fed up with her life that she went to a wizard and asked him change everything for her. “Everything?” he asked. “Yes, absolutely everything!” she replied. But transformation of that order requires some special magic…
For ages: 5+

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The Witch’s Brew

The Witch’s Brew

Once there was a witch who spent her days gathering healing herbs and flowers in the forest. One day, however, she discovers something that threatens not just her own livelihood, but the life of the whole forest. And so she cooks up an extraordinary potion…
Length: 29:44
For ages 5+

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The Witch’s Brew

Surrounded by Kin

An old woman lives all by herself and is full of loneliness. None of her children or her grandchildren come to visit her any more, and in desperation she goes to a witch who is famous for potions that can change anything. But can she change the old woman’s loneliness?
Length: 15:06
For ages 5+

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