Letters from God

Letters from God

A postman, saddened that he never has anything to give the boy who every day asks him if he has any letters for him, decides to write the boy a letter. But from whom should he say it has come?
Length: 13:48
For ages: 3+

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Letters from God

Grandmother’s Jumper

A grandmother knitted a lovely jumper but couldn’t decide which of her many grandchildren it could be for. “Maybe it’s for the grandchild I love the best” she wonders. But as she soon discovers, love has no favourites…
Length: 04:18
For ages: 3+

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Letters from God

The Best Trick of All

A boy loved playing practical jokes on people. In fact he loved this so much that he decided he needed to up his game and get even better at it. So he goes to visit a witch to ask her for a magic spell that would make his tricks even more fun. The witch fulfills his wish, but not in the way he was expecting!
Length: 08:27
For ages: 3+

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The Wild Horsy

The Little Girl Who Drove a Big Train

“Oh please let me drive the train, please, please, please!” said the little girl. But the train driver insisted that she wasn’t strong enough to grasp the big handles and steer the train. But she wouldn’t give in, until in exasperation the train driver let her try for just a moment, if only to see how heavy the big handles were, and how she couldn’t possibly drive such a heavy train. But as soon as she touched the handles, the train gave a lurch, and then lifted up into the air…
Length: 09:14
For ages: 3+

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The Wild Horsy

Joe, The Singing Pretzel-Seller

One day Joe, who has sold pretzels on the same street corner for as long as anyone can remember, finds that his oven isn’t working. But the idea of having nothing to give his regular customers is so unappealing that Joe goes out and stands there nonetheless. Only when the first of his regulars asks him for a pretzel does the unexpected happen…
Length: 07:12
For ages: 3+

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The Washer-woman Who Went To Live With The Little People

The Tale of the Gabook

Three interwoven tales: On a late night walk, a grandfather tells his grandson the tale of a mysterious creature called “The Gabook”… A young farmer, on his way home from work, comes across a most peculiar bird… A queen, most admired by the people of her land, finds herself overcome with an insatiable desire to fly…
Length: 42:02
For ages: 7+

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The Washer-woman Who Went To Live With The Little People

The Rainmaking Monkey

Three interwoven tales: A young girl and her father, on a walk through the forest, meet up with a unexpected creature… A drought overtakes the jungle and the animals “discuss” what is to be done… There once was a queen bee who kept all the nectar to herself and shared it with no one…
Length: 35:24
For ages: 7+

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The Washer-woman Who Went To Live With The Little People

The Most Precious Thing in the World

Three interwoven tales… A racing driver finds himself so far ahead of the pack that he slows down… to find that the racetrack has become mysteriously deserted… A wealthy man comes upon a town where, much to his consternation, nobody has heard of money… A King, sick of his riches, sets out in search of something which money cannot buy.
Length: 44:45
For ages: 7+

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The Washer-woman Who Went To Live With The Little People

The Ironmonger’s Task

Three interwoven tales… Searching for a new home, a family with twelve children comes across a mysterious light hovering in the sky in front of them… A king and queen who took great pride in helping the people of their kingdom, are stumped by the peculiar problem of one young man… A brawny craftsman who fashioned iron for the people of his village, receives a perplexing request from a mysterious old gentleman…
Length: 41:46
For ages: 7+

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The Washer-woman Who Went To Live With The Little People

The Handkerchief That Cured All Sorrows

Three interwoven tales… A man, compulsively digging through his pockets, is approached by a kindly old woman with a story to tell… A king, in dismay over his ailing wife, meets a most unlikely messenger of healing… A peddler, carrying an empty rucksack, comes across an odd old man in possession of a very peculiar handkerchief…
Length: 36:22
For ages: 7+

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The Washer-woman Who Went To Live With The Little People

The Grumpy Princess

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a lovely castle, yet for all the fine things in her life, she was not happy. In fact, she was downright grumpy, always complaining about the tiniest details that were not exactly as she wanted them to be. At his wits end, the King came up with a radical plan… that went unexpectedly wrong!!
Length: 26:14
For ages: 7+

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