The Magic Tin

The Magic Tin

There was a man going to market and he’s only got one tin to sell, a small, rusty, empty tin and that’s all. And his friends are saying, “is that all you’re taking to market?” and he says, “If I can sell this tin then I’ll be a rich man, because this tin is magic…”
Length: 22:06
For ages: 5+

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The Magic Tin

The Glasses-Maker and the Giant

A glasses-maker is stumped one day when a miserable looking man comes into his shop and asks him to make him a pair of glasses that “let me see the beauty in the world, because all I can see is the world’s ugliness!” The glasses-maker’s struggle to help the man lead him to a marvelous discovery…
Length: 22:27
For ages: 5+

[wcm_restrict plans=”rent-the-palace”][/wcm_restrict]

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The Magic Tin

How The Old Lady Changed Everything

An old lady was so fed up with her life that she went to a wizard and asked him change everything for her. “Everything?” he asked. “Yes, absolutely everything!” she replied. But transformation of that order requires some special magic…
For ages: 5+

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